Korea University Department of Education

  • Korea Univ.
  • 한국어



Date Lecture Speaker 
2024.5.31. Fri Addressing Inequities in the World of Work
Professor Bohyun Lee
Ohio State University
2024.5.7 Tue School Success Factors at General Secondary School

Professor Marko Lüftenegger

University of Vienna

2024.5.01 Wed Curricular, instructional, and technological designs to enhance students' epistemtic performance in evaluating socioscientific issues

Professor Susan Yoon

University of Pennsylvania

2024.3.21 Thu The role of conceptions of learning in technology-enhanced learning environments

Professor Chin-Chung Tsai

National Taiwan Normal University

2024.3.11 Mon Theories and applications of merged reality for learning

Professor Sufen Chen

National Taiwan University of Science and Technology



Intercultural comppetence development through a tele-collaborative project supported by speech-enabled corrective feedback technology

Professor Rustam Shadiev

Zhejiang University

2023.9.14 Thu Reading, Learning, Thinking

Professor Irene-Anna Diakidoy

University of Cyprus

2023.5.25-26 Thu-Fri Instrument design and development, theory and practice

Professor Hyunkyung Noh

University of North Texas

2023.5.18 Thu Open coding-based data analysis methods and their use in various qualitative research data analysis

Professor Seungyeon Lee

Hanshin University

2023.5.2 Tue Evolution of Technology in Education

Professor Valdez, Jana Patricia Millonado

The Education University of Hong Kong
2023.5.2 Tue Well-being intervention

Professor DATU Jesus Alfonso Daep

The Education University of Hong Kong
2023.3.15 Wed Ordered Polynomous IRT Analyses

Professor Sungah Lim

Hawaii University